Timothee Le Guellec
I am a water supply and sanitation specialist with experience in setting the direction of national scale programmes and direct management of projects and programs in emergency and stable contexts. My experience also includes research and data analysis.

In my current post at Solidarites International, I provid leadership to a national scale

program in 3 regions of South Sudan. Acting as a focal point for Water, Sanitation and Food Security I develop and maintained strong bonds with the affected population, governments, donors and partners, especially UNICEF, OCHA, GIZ and private foundations, with a peculiar focus on nutrition and health sectors.

I am currently in charge of managing around 40 persons, including 3 Head of Project and 1 Reporting Officer Expatriates and €4+ million annually.
Recherche un emploi - France entière

Coordination de Programmes dapprovisionnement en eau potable.

Veille eau c'est aussi
Les coordonnées des acteurs de l'eau en France